Buried Treasure

Shovel (Questions for digging up your treasure)
  • What do you have buried deep within you....under fear, doubt, insecurity?
  • What is it you would do or accomplish if you had more time, resources, support, talent?
  • What is it that keeps coming back to your mind....lingering in your spirit, that you keep pushing away?
  • Is the seed of "purpose"..what you were created and destined to do, buried under all of the voices of your past (yourself, family, friends, society...) telling you it is not possible...you are not smart or talented enough,,,no one will support you?
  • How many layers of crap (life) have you dumped on top of your treasure....contaminating and soiling its content?  Is it still valuable no matter how much mess (excuses, disappointments) you pile on top of it to hide it?
  • Has the container for your treasure (You) been broken by life and had it contents (hope, dreams) scattered throughout your soul so that you barely remember them....or know how to put the pieces back together?

Pick up the shovel and start digging.  Let me know what you find.

Resource:  The Holy Spirit

be blessed kim


Blogging was one of the pieces of my treasure.


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