The Heart Attacks - Heart Condition

You can be sick and be saved (a Christian).  We can be broken in places that have nothing to do with our spirit. People trying to help fix our heart can sometimes make it worse.  We can't choose people (spouses, friends, business associates) just because they are a Christian.

Capacity of the Heart
We have to be careful who we attach to our hearts.   Does each heart have the capacity to flow together.  Have you ever had a relationship with someone with a big heart?  Their ability to “pour out” their help, kindness, patience, selflessness, consideration, and love seems endless?  If you don’t have the capacity to receive their “pouring out”, it can feel overwhelming/pressure.  It may cause you to feel incompetent or depleted because when a big heart becomes empty and needs help refilling, you may not have the capacity to give it what it needs.  The big heart keeps coming back for more and it creates feelings of not being enough & frustration because of the constant pulling/drawing from you from that person.  The frustration doesn't necessarily mean there is something wrong with either person or there is no love there.  It could mean that both hearts do not have the capacity to flow together.  You may have a 10 gallon heart but be attached to someone who has a heart with a half-gallon capacity. They may look good, sound good, or “fun” good but your connection to them may be leaving a void or drowning you/putting you under pressure.  Pressure built up in our heart causes heart attacks.  Voids leave room for “conflict and chaos” to reside.

Blockages in the Heart
Blockages in our heart can cause heart attacks.  Common blockages are stress/pressure, disappointments, fear, abandonment, abuse, trauma, perceived failures - relationships, career, business, loss - death, divorce, job, home.  The impact of a heart attack on our life can affect our future/legacy/destiny, finances, relationships, careers, creativity, health, ability to influence others, blessings and our vision.  If you have been feeling stuck, check your flow.

Impact of Heart Attacks on our Vision
“None but the pure in heart shall see God" (Matt 5:8) the condition of your heart affecting your vision?  We can hurt others and not see it.  We become blind to how our actions/words impact the people connected to us.
You ever wonder how someone could hurt you/do you wrong and act like they don’t care…leave you and move on with life like you never existed?  They are able to do that because of their “heart condition”.  It is the shock from the heart attacks they have suffered.  When we are in shock, we can’t feel anything or see anything….we become numb.  Heart attacks can leave a person too numb to feel your pain or to miss you when you are gone.

Heart Repair
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in me”….”give me a clean bill of health - Psalms 51:10 – KJV/MSG....”Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life” (…for as the heart is either pure or corrupt, so is the whole course of man's life) – Proverbs 4:23

We have become too busy protecting our hearts instead of flushing our heart.  Guarding our hearts does not mean blocking our hearts. Protecting and keeping it healthy require us to keep it open (flowing).  Our cathartic moments with God helps us to open our heart.  Worship acts like a catheter so we can clear our blockages and allow a healthy flow in and out.  . We have to be careful not to allow our arrogance – our reaction when what we had in mind doesn’t happen and idolatry to “what we think”. God doesn’t serve what we want to happen.  We can’t worship God only when He gives us what we want.  We have to trust God for what He has planned/allows in our life and “let it flow”.

We just came out of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Women are asked to do regular breast exams throughout the year for early detection of lumps in their breast.  Early detection can save lives.  We all should be doing regular heart exams, checking the condition of our heart.

       Examine how you react:
·         when things don’t turn out as expected….disappointment
·         challenges occur in your relationships….break-ups/divorce
·         the loss of a loved one, job, possessions….death/lay-off/foreclosure
·         under pressure….stress

Early detection can save our families, our future, our finance, our relationships, our life
 (“The robber comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I came so they might have life, a great full life” – John 10:10)

Resources:  "My Heart Attacks", Bishop T D Jakes & The Holy Spirit
be blessed kim

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