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» Yesterday's Pain (Some of today's too :D)
Yesterday's Pain (Some of today's too :D)
Posted By:
Soil of the Soul
Seed Shop,
Spiritual Community Garden
- on 5:28 PM
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I am going to be transparent and share with you my worship time with God today.
Bishop Jakes preached, "Ripped for a Reason", Hebrews 10:16-20, and it was as if God was speaking to everything I have gone through and am going through right now, in my life.
This was the conversation that took place:
"When we are ripped in areas of our soul that no one can reach, know that it is God.
Lord, I break my alabaster box before you...as long as I continue to fake it, like I have everything together, I will not be effective!
Broken and undeserving...retched and filthy....prideful and disobedient as I am!...I am still here by Your Mercy, God! Thank you God for not giving me what I deserve. HALLELUJAH!
I do not want to live a life of ineffectiveness...you created me for a purpise....just because you have placed gifts/abilities/talent in me....it is not until I am broken (I am in a state of brokeness, right now) that the anointing (your purpose) will flow out of me.
Fellow Christians, we are not like Jesus, we are like our picture of Him. We are more concerned about our image instead of what God put inside of us. If God has anointed us, we have to be RIPPED/BROKEN!
We become wise through our stupidity. Today's wisdom is yesterday's folly. It is how we respond to our imperfection...pain...mistakes...weaknesses that determines how effective/strong/anointed we are..RIPPED/BROKEN FOR A REASON!"
I know my family and friends thought I had lost my mind this morning...I kept sharing and sharing and tweet tweet tweeting for two hours straight. LOL!! They know my battle the last five years with anxiety and depression has been a life changing process.
I don't know about you but when I hear God's voice, it makes me want to run (these days, that's about all that makes me want to run) hahaha! In fact, my son saw how overwhelmed I was during worship this morning that he told me to take a lap around the house, so I wouldn't have an anxiety attack. :D
My life has been ripped/broken in quite a few places. I am sure many of you can make the same confession. I am grateful for the confirmation that I am "Ripped for a Reason."
I thank you, for once again allowing me to share my spiritual journey with you.
Sunday message: https://youtu.be/lcCCbPEmZjk
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