Set Apart to Lead

Wanting to be a leader is about inspiring/motivating people....wanting to have followers is an ego trip.  Real leadership comes from what you have been exposed to.  Leaders have a need to see things see people do better. A leader is someone who can present an idea or change that someone is willing to follow. When God gives us answers we have to help people with questions. One of the ultimate questions in life is "is God Real?" When we have a personal experience with God we need to be ready for a public responsibility.

A big misconception about leaders is that they always know where they are going and have all the answers.  Real leadership does not mean you have all the answers, it means you are willing to ask the questions.

When you are set apart to lead, God gives you the power to influence others.

3 things shape your influence:
  • the Word of God being the foundation for your life
  • the Works of God manifesting in you
  • the Witness of your life
A leader inspires struggling people.  Be careful who you choose to follow when you are struggling. Remember, "In the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King".  God gives leaders the vocabulary to speak to people's pain...the language to speak the reality they don't have.  Inspiration is not just the articulation of pain, it also shows people how to go through the hell in their life,  

Leaders have the ability to incarnate the Christ in them...others should see Hope, Mercy, Joy, Peace, and the Grace of God manifested in your life. God saved us not to run with the pack but to be leaders in whatever situation we find ourselves.  We may not be called to change the world but we are called to change the corner in which God has placed us.

Resources: Inspired by the teachings of Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr. (my Pastor) & The Holy Spirit
be blessed kim

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