Systems Under Test (S.U.T.)

Testing How We Speak, Understand, Think

Have you run a systems check on yourself lately?
Did you know that what comes out of our mouth can poison/contaminate our opportunities? The way we understand shapes our becomes the truth we stand under....our vision of what will happen.  What childish things are we speaking? If we don't put away "childish things" it will put us away....our success, promotion, progress, love peace, influence.

Steps to putting away childish things/an immature inner life:
v Identify - we cannot put away anything we do not first it out each time it rises up
v Challenge - consider a different way of thinking/viewing people/situations/feeling
v Resist - no longer fight to hold onto our dysfunction ("that's just the way that I 
         am"...holding onto our perception/our version of the story)
v Cease - stop habitual "reactions"....breath, pray and then "respond"
v Meditate/Study – Hide these scriptures in your heart (“….the mouth speaks what the  heart is full of” - Luke 6:45)

be blessed kim


Proverbs - not always the easiest, but one of my favorites! Susan


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