Belief Effects Behavior - Today's Message

Flawed but Favored
King David was not a perfect man. He was a man full of "unresolved issues in his soul."  These issues caused him to be a murderer, adulterer, liar, thief, manipulator, insecure, prideful, abuser of power/position and selfish. I'm not being dramatic. Read your bible.

God loved and esteemed David despite his choices because David knew how to repent and his heart was always seeking God. We may be weak in our mind and in our flesh but we have to be willing to let go of our mess/bad behavior/unhealthy mindsets.

Can We Afford What We Want?
God's grace doesn't give us an excuse to do whatever we want to do.  Repentance means humbling ourselves and changing (one issue at a time), not abusing God's mercy. You will be shocked by how one change can impact three issues.

Our relationship with God is strengthened through the view He has of our heart not our bad behavior. David suffered the consequences of his actions. Look at how his relationships and children suffered/hated him. David had to quit his job and battled through fear and depression. I'm not lying! You better read the bible and stop trying to be religious. But David also gained strength and wisdom and peace in the process. He wrote some of the most beautiful/powerful psalms that thousands of years later are helping/ encouraging us. His life has become a witness for hundreds of generations.

Second Hand Wisdom
I don't know about you but I don't need to go through things myself to learn my lessons. I will take the lessons I see learned by other's choices as enough evidence. I believe what my grandmother told me "if you make your bed hard, you are going to have lay in it.....a hard head makes a soft behind." :D

be blessed kim

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